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Minnesota Genealogical Society

1385 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100
Mendota Heights, MN  55120-1367
(651) 330-9312 •

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Upcoming events

    • 15 Feb 2025
    • 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Zoom

    Civil records are the easiest of all Irish records to find and to interpret. They’re the building blocks of your family history, often the first records you will use in research. The records document 180 years of social change in Ireland. We'll discuss how you can access them online, or in Ireland. If you can't travel to the Emerald Isle, when might you benefit from hiring a researcher there? Who might you correspond with for local expertise?

    Presented by:
    Fiona Fitzsimons

    Sponsored by: IGSI

    Experience level: All

    $15 for IGSI members (with discount code); $20 for  non-members


    • 24 Feb 2025
    • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Zoom

    As genealogists, we spend countless hours researching, compiling, and organizing our research with the hope to pass it on to future generations. But in this digital age, ensuring access to this information involves much more than just handing over a family history book.

    Ensure your genealogical legacy is preserved and accessible with an "afterlife file." This session is designed to help you organize and safeguard your valuable research, logins, and documents for future generations. You will learn what an afterlife file is, why it is so important, how to gather key information, organize it, and then safeguard it so others can access it when needed, as well as see practical examples for inspiration.

    This event is offered free of charge by the National Danish-American Genealogical Society. For more information on our group, membership information, and to see upcoming events, visit our website at

    About the speaker:
    Our speaker is Bert Jones, long time genealogist, event planner, graphic designer, photographer and host of several podcasts. He is sure to both inform and entertain!Our speaker is Bert Jones, long time genealogist, event planner, graphic designer, photographer and host of several podcasts. He is sure to both inform and entertain!

    Sponsored by: National Danish-American Genealogical Society

    Experience level: All  

    Cost: Free

    Registration: Not required. 
    To join live:

    • 11 Mar 2025
    • 8:45 AM - 4:00 PM
    • Hybrid (Eagan MN and Zoom)

    A full-day workshop with presenters Fintan Mullan & Gillian Hunt from Ireland as part of their 2025 US Lecture Tour.

    The workshop will cover Irish ancestral research strategies, including:
    • Exploring Records Related to the Different Churches in Ireland
    • Introduction to Archives in Ireland: Onsite & Online
    • Using Irish land records: Griffith’s Valuation, Tithe & Estate records
    • Exploring the Irish Registry of Deeds

    On the morning following the workshop you may pre-schedule an individual consultation with our presenters regarding your own research. These sessions will be held near the hotel and the Minnesota Genealogy Center, where our Irish collection of 3,500 titles is housed in the Hoffman Research Library.

    Both venues are close to the MSP airport and a hotel block is available until February 9 with free shuttle services. We encourage live attendees to extend their stay to spend research time in the Library before (Sat, Mon) or following (Wed, Thurs) the workshop. Click the registration link for full details and celebrate St Patrick's Week in the Twin Cities!

    Fintan Mullan & Gillian Hunt from Ireland on a US Lecture Tour

    Gillian Hunt is Research Officer with the Ulster Historical Foundation and has been co-presenting North American lecture tours since 2014. Fintan Mullan is Executive Director of the Foundation and is a regular international speaker on Irish genealogy. He has managed the production of over 150 Irish history and genealogy titles. He helped to pioneer, the unique database with over 22 million Irish historical records.

    Sponsored by: Irish Genealogical Society International (IGSI)

    Experience level:  All

    Live: $85 for IGSI members (with Discount Code); $100 for non-members (with meals). Virtual: $45 for IGSI members (with Discount Code); $55 for non-members


    • 22 Mar 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Hybrid (Minnesota Genealogy Center and Zoom)

    There are many connections between Finland and Sweden as people moved back and forth over several centuries. Swedish genealogists with Finnish ancestors may feel unsure about how to search in Finnish records. Actually, Finnish records are quite similar to Swedish records; you just have to know where to look. In addition to some historical perspective, Jan Carlson will provide some guidance for searching through the many online sites for Finnish primary and secondary genealogy records to hopefully make your searches easier and much more fruitful.

    About the speaker:
    Jan Carlson has been involved in family genealogy since she made her first rudimentary tree after her first trip to Sweden at the age of 8. She has made 7 more trips in the intervening years for family visits and research. She has been a member of SGSM since the 1990s and has served as a member of the Board of Directors for more than 10 years. She is also a member of the Tidningen staff and writes the column Because You Asked. She speaks Swedish and does research and translation for clients. She also is part of the research team on 3rd Thursdays at the MGC library. Being a Swedish-American is one of her greatest joys and loves using the Swedish language. She is retired after 30 years as a Director of Music for the Osseo UMC, is married and currently lives in Blaine.

    Sponsored by: Swedish Genealogical Society of Minnesota

    Experience level: Beginner

    Non-members: $10


    • 26 Apr 2025
    • 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Zoom

    William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Law of England reflect what became the legal structure of much of the English-speaking world. Its influence on legal development in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and the United States, as well as within England itself, was far-reaching, making Mr. Blackstone's common law a reference work all historical and genealogical researchers often need to consult.

    About the speaker:
    Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL

    Sponsored by: IGSI

    Experience level: All

    $15 for IGSI members (with discount code); $20 for non-members


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1385 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100

Mendota Heights MN   55120-1367

(651) 330-9312


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